
The motive for the start of the Stichting Familiearchief Donders (Donders family Archives) could be found far before 1938 (issue date of the first family book). The grandmother of the writer (Johan van der Eerden (GS V.2)) of the book was named Huberta Donders (GS V.1) and Johan wanted to know how her relationship was with Petrus (Peerke) Donders (GS 97) and professor F.C. Donders (GS 340).

Petrus worked as a priest amongst the Indians in Surinam en was beatificated by Pope Johannes Paulus II in 1982. Professor F.C. Donders became world famous as an ophthalmologist in Utrecht.

In 1982 (the year of the beatification of Petrus Donders) the foundation was set up and “Tilburgse” has been added in the title of the first family book. This because it also appears the some Donders families did exist in the province Limburg and in Belgium which did not have any connection with the Tilburg Family. For the time being the foundation will support the Tilburg family members only.

As written in the regulations the foundation tries to promote friendly relations between its family members. On one hand this will be effectuated with the possibility to put questions or by passing on information via e-mail and by contacts via the guest book. Moreover the foundation takes care of printed publications like the DondersNieuws (family bulletin) and a family book.